Category Archives: Announcments

Richmond RC Flyers Cub Announcements

2025 RRCFC Membership Renewal

A reminder to all RRCFC members that all memberships expire at the end of every calendar year. Please take the time to review you MAAC Membership status and renew it if required for next year.

The 2025 RRCFC Membership Application Form is available on our website, please fill it in and submit it by email. Membership fees can now be paid online by emailing your payment to

Manoah Steves School Back in Session

As school is back in session please be mindful that there is no flying allowed at Manoah until after 5:00 PM on school days and when there are no other sporting events in progress.  Please note that we continue to reserve Manoah Park for club flying on Monday evenings from 5:00 PM until 8:00 PM every week weather permitting.

School is Out for the Summer!

The last day of school at Manoah Steves is June 29, 2018.  The field is available for flying during the weekdays for our club when no other sporting events are underway from 8:00 AM until dusk.  Please note that we are continuing to reserve the entire park on Saturday and Sunday mornings from 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM and Monday evenings from 5:00 PM until 8:00 PM.

Manoah Field Reserved for RRCFC Flying

We have made arrangements with the City of Richmond to reserve all the ball diamonds at Manoah Park during scheduled times for our club to utilize the park for RC flying sessions.

Allocated times we reserve the entire field for our flying are Saturdays and Sundays from 10:00 AM until 1:00 PM and Mondays from 5:00 pm until 8:00 pm.


Improved Signage and Field Cones

The City is in the process of creating new improved signage including sandwich board sign for the pathway.  Until that is produced and up, they have asked us to use City of Richmond cones to define the FLYING boundary and active flight line on the East side of the field which is mostly for the public but also aids our pilots to stay west of the boundaries particularly when flying from the West P.M. pilot stations.  The Club Executive has committed to the City that we will comply.  The City is working on a storage shed / box facility for us to store the cones and portable signs.  We understand this is not that convenient for members to have to pull out some cones and put them back after and hope this does not pose much of a problem.  It is important now more than ever for our collective membership to help support our club operating at the park, and everyone’s continued cooperation is very much appreciated.

New Field Layout and Flying Boundaries

Besides the smoke invading our airspace it looks like a decent long weekend for flying with winds this morning from the South East at 10 km/h.  The runway was groomed yesterday, thanks Rick & Bill for the helping hand.  If you are flying at the field this long weekend you will notice that we have cut in new minimum Pilot Station locations located at 10 meters from the flight-line at both ends of the runway for A.M and P.M flying positions.

In an effort to clearly define the no flying areas of the park, we have cut a hard NO-FLY zone line running North to South from the path to the backstop parallel with the School.  This line is forty (40) meters from the School and playing structures.  You must never fly into or cross that line at any time.  Also note that the field layout is being reconfigured by the Club Executive with a forty (40) meter NO FLY boundary around the entire park.  When you visit the field next, please take a moment to observe the hard line distance and understand that that is how far you must stay away from the outer edges of the park when you are flying.  Flying out of bounds will result in an immediate thirty (30) day suspension of your flying privileges with the club